Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A near fight over fiber choice on the red line

YS=yarn snob, woman next to me on train

Scene: Mid-morning train.

Enter Me (wearing a lovely spring dress) sit down next to YS, pull out knitting.

YS: What kind of yarn is that?
Me: (Thinking she is not a knitter, like 99% of the people who ask me knitting questions on the train) It's wool
YS: Oh, like just merino? Is it Koigu?
Me: (Oh, she is a knitter. whoops) No, it's Knit Picks
YS: (Appears ill, recoils) ohhhhh.
Awkward pause
YS: You know, if you like lace knitting, you should try my favorite yarn (insert favorite yarn, it's cashmere). It's $45 for a skein but you get 400 yards! So really it's a bargain.
Me: (Hm. This Knit Picks has 440 yards and it cost $2.50. (Ok it's not cashmere, but it's merino and it's $2.50!!!) Don't mention this, might start a fight) Yes, that's one great thing I've noticed about lace knitting, you get a lot of yardage for your money.
YS: [Lists things you can make with 400 yards of cashmere laceweight, mainly hat, baby sweater]
Me: (Why does a baby need a cashmere laceweight sweater?? Aren't they just going to spit up on it? I have no babies, what do I know, hold tongue) Usually I like to buy nicer yarn, but I thought I would try this one because I'm going to make a whole lace shawl for less than $10!
YS: (Does not appear swayed by this argument. Recoils further) Well if I'm going to spend so much time with lace yarn on small needles, I just like to be good to myself, because my hands cramp up.
Me: what?
YS: yeah, I get cramps because the needles are so small
Me: (WTF do hand cramps have to do with fiber choice? smile, nod, ignore)


Anonymous said...

Oh good god. That YS needs a KITA.* What DO hand cramps have to do with yarn choice??? I stand behind your choice for sure. A $10 shawl = awesome**. Grrrr.

* kick in the ass
** it looks beautiful!

Invis said...

I know. I even consider myself somewhat of a yarn snob. I don't know what this chippie was thinking. "Just" merino? Does she use cashmere exclusively? Bizzarre.

Also, twice I have run into other knitters on the train, and both times, they have advertised a yarn or yarn store to me, and offered advice. Do I appear incompetent? How about "hey what are you making, it looks nice". Maybe it is the massachusetts democrat mindset-they think they know what is best for other people.

Anonymous said...

You may be on to something - yarn could be the perfect MA analogy.

I am glad I don't have this problem, since I cannot knit on a train without wanting to vomit. Well maybe I'm not glad.

Anonymous said...

heh heh, you actually wrote "chippie" in a blog comment. I didn't know anyone else even KNEW that word (also, I thought it was French - I grew up a little language confused) much less used it as vernacular. I knew there was a reason I liked you!

Invis said...

I got chippie from Jenn! Isn't it the best word? You guys should meet each other. Do you want to weigh in on the cashmere for babies issue?

Anonymous said...

I do. And I'm using the most disdainful voice I can type...babies' primary function is to eat - which causes them to puke, poop, and pee EVERYWHERE (not necessarily in that order.) Knitting a cashmere sweater for a baby, and actually giving it to them, would be tantamount to taking an antique car to the mudraces. Sure, you could clean it off, but it would take years, specialized hardware, and really, is it worth the headache? Babies are cute on their own, they don't need no stinkin' cashmere. They need $1.50 a ball from knitpicks!

Invis said...

See that's what I thought. But I try not to be one of those childless people who says what other people should do with their kids.

Anonymous said...

My son has 5 cashmere sweaters this year and had 6 last year. I don't recall him puking on any of them, but if he had, it would just wash out so I fail to see why you make a big deal out of it.

Cashmere is ideal for babies because it is a natural and soft material. Warmth without bulk makes it even more perfect for baby wear.

Check the Ralph Lauren website selling baby cashmere sweaters at $200+. They have been selling feverishly for years.

You seem prejudiced against babies. If you put down the knitting needles and got a date you may learn why parents love their child enough to dress them in cashmere.

Invis said...

Hi anonymous. Calm down. I assure you I am not biased against babies. Really I was just irritated because someone I don't know was being critical of my personal yarn choice and suggesting that I use her personal yarn choice. I get cranky when people tell me what to do. But it was a long time ago and I'm over it. That's great that your son has cashmere sweaters. Yay cashmere!